Permanent Past
Permanent Past (2019) looks at Rome through the prism of block universe theory. This suggests that the past, present and future exist at the same time. This possibility was suggested by Einstein and current scientific thinking seems to think it probable.
Permanent Past examines the accretions of 28 centuries of Roman habitation. A layering of history that is compressed in our ‘present’. It speaks of a city – on a town – on a settlement – on vacant land.
Permanent Past sifts through the sediment of Rome to reveal her spectacular periods of great knowledge and successes and of her science and superstition.
Particle Decay
Theoretical physics tells us the universe, is random, fractal, chaotic, destructive, uncaring.
Endless, instantaneous cycles of creation and destruction.
A plan, not really, though how extraordinary to be alive.

2017 Particle Decay, King Street Gallery on William, Sydney
2017 Particle Decay Fractal Paradigm (End of Year), King Street Gallery on William, Sydney