Permanent Past
Permanent Past (2019) looks at Rome through the prism of block universe theory. This suggests that the past, present and future exist at the same time. This possibility was suggested by Einstein and current scientific thinking seems to think it probable.
Permanent Past examines the accretions of 28 centuries of Roman habitation. A layering of history that is compressed in our ‘present’. It speaks of a city – on a town – on a settlement – on vacant land.
Permanent Past sifts through the sediment of Rome to reveal her spectacular periods of great knowledge and successes and of her science and superstition.
Abstract Particulars
Abstract Particulars is a body of work that attempts to make connections between the unknown character of nature and the desire to understand who we are.
Through Western culture’s push for freedom, and consumption, we seem to be losing our desire to question and love?
Through this intentional activity we move closer to environmental disaster, in what seems like a futile attempt to eliminate that which forces us to recognise our own failings.
Using the constructed medium of text to create diss-ease between the viewer and desire, Abstract Particulars is a site of uneasy contemplation. Landscape becomes our ‘uncertainty’ when questioning notions of humanity, spirituality and death.

2015 Abstract Particulars, Version 2, Olympic Park, Sydney
2007 Abstract Particulars, Depot 2 Gallery, Sydney
2007 Abstract Particulars, Il Ponte Contemporanea, Roma